Monday, November 5, 2012

Cyberbullying Video Essay

Cyberbullying is a serious issue in which many people have become familiar. In recent years, cyberbullying has grown from harassing teasing to lethal threats (in some cases). What techniques should we take advantage of in our presentation? What types of images and background music will make our video more powerful? Furthermore, how can we use media to form a compelling argument?


  1. I believe we have chosen a great topic because many young people in our generation can relate to the issue. Techniques we should take advantage of in our presentation is to discover the prevalence of cyberbullying in our own school. If we make the issue more relatable to our classmates and teachers, the message will become much more powerful. Types of images we should consider using should resemble the one above. Images such as these really appeal to the audience's emotions, and strengthen the argument. We should strategically place sad music that pulls on the strings of the heart. Together, media such as images and music develop a compelling argument by unconsciously evoking sympathy and understanding in the audience members.

  2. I feel like cyberbullying is currently a relevant topic not only in our school, but in our country. Now that social networks are the new standard for communication between teenagers and are becoming increasingly popular with adults, some people take advantage of the "non-social" social networks by bullying and harrassing others. One of the most important techniques we should use in our presentation is appealing to our viewers ethics and emotions. We don't necessarily tell the reader that cyberbullying is bad, but show that how negative it is that the viewers have no other choice but to be against it. We have a nice variety of interviews, so I think we can make the whole presentation come together well.

  3. I feel there are a lot of different tecquines we can use to make our presentation more powerful and meaningful. It is important to make sure we capture the audience through the images that are displayed in our video. We should just have a separate slide show of examples of post that are degrading and unpleasant. We don’t have to get specific with people we might know but just random post and comments that show how these factors can affect someone emotionally. Also having a personal story in our presentation is a great idea. Usually when someone tries to get a point across they just state their position on the issue, including this story of someone’s personal experience really takes the next step. It tells the audience that there are people out there that go through this cruel method of bullying every day.

  4. To make our presentation powerful, we should use technology to its fullest. Doing a video is a great way to start. Creating a video can send a message out and can have an affect on people, rather than a powerpoint or a regular essay. Through video we can tell personal stories and opinions from the people themselves. Our audience can actually hear students and teachers speak and show their emotions. Through a video we can tell other people's stories. We should have soft music in our background. In my opinion it will set the tone of our video, our topic. The topic we chose can get very sensitive, so we should have appropriate music for our topic. We should have images of students, some who have been cyber bullied and even ones who haven't. Maybe we should have pictures of people who have committed cyber bullying themselves. Through media we can capture peoples opinions. People who agree with our position on cyber bullying and people who disagree with our position.
