Thursday, September 13, 2012

What are your thoughts on 9/11?

Respond to the prompt on the course blog.


  1. I feel that the remembrance of 9/11 is fading in daily American life. Immediately after the tragic incident, the nation was greatly effected in many different ways. In my opinion, very few aspects of American life are still influenced by 9/11. Popular culture no longer heavily focuses on the event, and many citizens have turned away from the idea of war. There has even been talk around school that we failed to have a moment on silence on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. This just confirms the fact that the conmemoration of 9/11 is weakening over the years. It seems like the only effect 9/11 still has on our lives is security. Travelers know that airports drastically changed security procedures after 9/11.

    After watching "On Native Soil," I have taken a far different perspective on 9/11. Being a small child at the time that 9/11 took place, I do not recall the specific events of that day. Watching the movie demonstrated the attacks that took place, and reinforced how big of a deal it was. The aspect that moved me most was the carlessness of the government at the time. Watching the 9/11 commission explain the obliviousness of the government shocked me. It seems very foolish that the government passed off the signs of an upcoming terrorist attack as unimportant. It angered me to see the government officials tell their sides of the story during the trials.

    I would like to mention that Obama's successful efforts of capturing and killing Osama Bin Laden is a great thing. Our president obliterated a man that had a big contribution to the attacks of 9/11, an act that deserves high praise.

  2. I agree I feel 9/11 is slowly fading away. America holds on to this tragic nightmare even though it doesn't affect our generation. The only affects it still has is security. Security in airports should of been more observant of who passes through. In away it's airports fault that they couldn't take the time to invest in new ways to tighten security systems up. So I think that's the only affect 9/11 still has on us today

  3. I was only 5 years old when 9/11 happen,but I rememeber it having an impact on the whole country. I remember watching the news and seeing victims in critical condition being carried to the EMS truck. I rememeber so many people crying, because of all the lives that were lost. Even people in other states were affected. It was a sad time. I remember everyone blaming Iraq for the terroists attack. Thats when America went to war with Iraq. 9/11 was made honored every year. In class we would always have a moment of silence for the victims who lives were losed. This year however, we didn't have a moment of silence. Everyone asked why didn't we have one and one teacher said," Well the only reason we did it last year was because it was the 10 year anniversary." I felt that was a very rude remark. We honored 9/11 all those other years, but suddenly because it was over 10 years ago we no longer honor the victims who were apart of it. In one of my classes we had a moment of silence. oo
    How could we not honor something that changed America? Who are we to say 9/11 is no longer important? How could we not still recognize that 9/11 will always have an affect on our country?9/11 is slowly fading away is no longer significant as it use to be.

  4. I agree with Allison. Likewise, I was young when the attacks occurred so I have little memory of my reactions and changes in my daily life. Immediately after the attacks I recall there being a lot of chaos and confusion in the media in order to figure out who organized the attacks and why they were organized in the first place. Naturally, the airports were the first aspect that was going to transform as a result of the attacks to improve security, but that's the only major change that's still relevant today.

    This year was the first year after the attacks that there wasn't a moment of silence at Groves or special on television that commemorated 9/11, which proves that it's fading away; maybe not from our memories, but from popular culture and the media.
