Tuesday, October 9, 2012

iPhone 5 Commerical Parody

This is a comical parody about a giant iPhone 5. Aside from the humor, how does this parody illustrate the great extents companies go to in order to make their products different? Do you feel that some ads exaggerate the features of a product just to attract more buyers?


  1. I like this parody because it sarcastically makes fun of Apple's tendency to continuously advance technology. I think it also makes fun of how all advertisements accentuate the product's features, and may exaggerate some aspects. Infomercials are great examples of product exaggeration. Like the balance bracelet, or power bracelet, which can increase your energy or equilibrium just by wearing the bracelets.
    Exaggerations by advertisers do attract more buyers because some people like to see for themselves if a product truly works, no matter the impossible promises the ads may offer.

  2. The video did a great job of mocking how companies are constantly trying to improve their products, even if the changes are unnecessary or minor, just to keep buyers' attention. Apple regularly releases new versions of phones, tablets, and music devices every year to keep their customers coming back for more, and it works. Apple has not only become a staple in the technology industry, but it has taken over the market for all technology devices. Apple sets standards; other companies try to recreate their own versions of their products and software. Although the quality of Apple products is questionable in my opinion, I feel like Apple does an excellent job of advertising their products and updating them annually to keep their customer base satisfied.

  3. This parody really does a terrific job showing how apple products are constant changing. In the last 2-3 years there has been new apple creations hitting the market almost every 6 months. For example the IPad 2 and the "new iPad". Or the IPhone 4 and the waterproof iPhone which is an unnessary feature. This humorous parody is basically telling us that apple will never be content with any feature they add to their products. Apple will keep recreating and adding features to their products for society can keep spending their money

  4. Let me start off by saying that this commercial is a big joke. There is no way that a phone would ever be this long. Even the cell phones in the 90's were not that long. This video over-exaggerates to the max. This this shows how companies will do anything to cell their product. Like on TV commercials when they have all those products for 14.99. Those products are really an exaggeration to get customers to buy the product. They want to make it sound cheap; however, in reality there is always a twist to it. Some beauty commercials even over do it. Why can't the commercial just be natural and if the products work then they work? Companies do too much to sell there products, then when customers buy them all they do is complain.
