Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Supersize Me!

In the documentary Supersize Me, Morgan Spurlock focuses a section of his story on a lawsuit against McDonald's by two young girls. The girls are suing the fast food restaurant for the supposed cause of their obesity. Do you think that's fair? Give me your thoughts.


  1. I do not think this lawsuit is fair. Like any other consumer, the girls have the personal responsibility to make healthy choices. Them suing McDonald's is the equivalent of a shopper suing Nordstrom for high prices... they don't have to buy it!
    The only way they could make a fair lawsuit is if McDonald's failed to list nutritional information, or failed to comply with food safety standards. If the girls' lawyers found loopholes McDonald's took in the preparation of their food, the girls would make a good case.

  2. I think this lawsuit isn’t necessary at all. The only ones to blame in this situation are the two young girls. You choose to go into a restaurant and order off their menu. They can’t force you to order something when you step into their fast food restaurant. You8 have the right to walk out or just not choose to eat there. McDonalds isn’t the one to blame in this circumstance, I think this entire lawsuit needs to be dropped.

  3. The girls suing McDonalds is very stupid. I mean how can you blame them for your obesity? McDonalds did not put a gun up to your head when you went there to buy food and told you to eat there food or else. They are obese because they choose to eat unhealthy food frequently. Everyone knows that McDonalds is not healthy at all and it is not good for you, but yet we all still eat it. Some of us know when to stop eating McDonalds and its apparent that the girls didn't. McDonalds just provides food and everyone knows what McDonalds food is made of. The girls just honestly want attention because they know what McDonalds is made of and how unhealthy it is. McDonalds at one point of time provided the number of calories for each of their meals and food on the Happy Meal bag. So its evident that the girls did not care too pay attention to how many calories they were eating. Suing a food company for your weight problems is pointless, especially when they food company provides you with details of their food.
